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Pinehurst Car Accident Lawyers

Our experienced Pinehurst, NC car accident lawyers can help you navigate the legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve.

In the aftermath of a car accident that results in personal injury or wrongful death, everything feels overwhelming. From navigating the ins and outs of legal processes and requirements to advocating for yourself and loved ones, there seems to be no end to the piles of paperwork, phone calls, research, and more that come in the wake of a major accident.

If you’ve been involved in a crash that has resulted in wrongful death, personal injury, or major property damage, Van Camp Law’s car accident attorneys in Pinehurst back you with experience and knowledge throughout every part of the process. We don’t believe anyone should have to navigate this time alone, and work with you towards financial and emotional compensation.


Auto Accident Lawyers in Pinehurst

Choose Experienced Pinehurst Car Accident Lawyers

Our team of experienced car accident attorneys in Pinehurst have been serving the area for over 30 years. We have successfully litigated thousands of personal injury and wrongful death cases in that time, helping victims receive the compensation they deserve.

Our clients have been awarded some of the largest jury verdicts and multi-million dollar settlements in the area. Our own recognitions include being ranked in the “Top 10 Personal Injury Law Firms” in North Carolina for Client Satisfaction by the American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys, and named one of the “Top 10 Law Firms” in North Carolina by Attorney and Practice Magazine.

When another driver’s reckless or careless behavior leaves you or someone you love hurt, your first priority should be the safety and wellbeing of you and your family. Our personal injury and wrongful death attorneys step in when you need them most to advocate for you in a vulnerable moment, so you can focus on what matters most with the peace of mind that Van Camp car accident attorneys have you covered.

Types of Pinehurst Auto Accidents

Help in Pinehurst Personal Injury Cases

Our experienced car accident attorneys know where to look for and how to get the compensation owed to you in the event of personal injury caused by a car accident.

The party responsible may owe you all or a portion of the costs accrued due to:

  • Medical treatment
  • Long-term medical bills like physical therapy and prescription medication
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
Pinehurst Wrongful Death Claim

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim in Pinehurst

It’s an unimaginable, heartbreaking tragedy, but if you have been involved in an accident in which you lost a loved one, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim. At Van Camp Law we understand that this is not the first priority in the event of a loss like this; that’s why we take on the task of dealing with the legal ins and outs of such a case—so that you can focus on grieving and honoring your loved one, and adjusting to a major change.

Fayetteville Van Camp Law

While it can’t ease the pain of your loss, it can help ease some of the stress surrounding such a horrific event. In each wrongful death case, we work to secure compensation for you and your family for some or all of the following:

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Funeral costs

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Loss of earning capacity

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Pain and suffering

All Locations We Serve

Picture of lady justice statue holding weights for the announcement of Van Camp being named the best law firm in NC.

Contact Our Pinehurst Car Accident Lawyers Today

If you or a family member have recently been involved in a crash that resulted in personal injury or wrongful death, call our car accident attorneys at the law offices of Van Camp, Meacham & Newman, PLLC and ask to speak with an attorney.

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