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How Long Does a Speeding Ticket Stay on Your Record for Insurance?

Many of us have received a speeding ticket at some point in our lives, and we know that it can be a frustrating and costly experience. Not only do you have to pay a fine, but you may also be wondering how long does a speeding ticket stay on your record - and how long could it affect your insurance rates. 

One of the questions that our speeding ticket attorneys from Van Camp Law Firm often get asked, is how long a speeding ticket stays on your driving record and how a speeding ticket can affect insurance premiums. The answer to this question can vary depending on several factors, including the state you live in, the severity of the violation, and your driving history.

If you’ve incurred a speeding ticket recently, you may not have experienced the increase in your insurance premium yet, but rest assured that it is coming. At our speeding ticket law firm, we are experienced in helping our clients navigate the murky waters of speeding tickets and insurance. We are here to provide you with all the information you need to know about how long a speeding ticket stays on your record, how it affects your insurance rates, and what you can do to minimize the impact of a speeding ticket on your driving record and insurance premiums.

Picture of a speed trap for the article about how long does a speeding ticket stay on your record and affect insurance?

Driver’s License Record vs. Car Insurance Record

It’s important to distinguish between a driver’s license record and a car insurance record because they are not the same. In North Carolina, a driver's license record and a car insurance record are two separate records that serve entirely different purposes.

What Is a Driver’s License Record? 

The state can view the points on your driver’s license differently than your car insurance carrier does. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in your state issues points when you receive a ticket for a moving violation like speeding. If you accumulate a certain number of points on your DMV record your driver’s license may be suspended or revoked. The number of points varies depending on the severity of the violation and each state has its own system. For example, a speeding ticket may be one point while a DWI conviction may be six points.

There are several violations that can go on your driver's license record in North Carolina, including: 

  • Moving violations: Speeding, running a red light or stop sign, failure to yield, reckless driving, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Non-moving violations: Expired registration, expired inspection, and failure to maintain liability insurance.
  • License-related violations: Driving with a suspended or revoked license, driving without a valid license, and providing false information on a license application.
  • Accidents: Car accidents where you were at fault, including property damage accidents and accidents resulting in injury or wrongful death.
  • Failure to appear violations: If you fail to appear in court or pay fines for previous violations, this can become a part of your driver’s license record. 
  • Other violations: Any violation that results in a conviction, guilty plea, or admission of responsibility in court has the potential to be recorded on your license history. 

Each violation may have different consequences and penalties, and some violations may stay on your driving record longer than others. It's always a good idea to follow traffic laws and drive responsibly to avoid any violations that could potentially affect your driving record and insurance rates. However, no one is immune to making mistakes– so, if you are wondering how to fight a  traffic violation such as a speeding ticket or if you have questions about how to get a violation removed from your driver’s license record, contact Van Camp Law Firm’s speeding ticket lawyers today. 

What is a Car Insurance Record? 

The points given by your insurance company are not only for speeding tickets and other violations, but also for accidents and incidents that result in a claim. The insurance company is assessing your risk level. Because the company wants to mitigate risk and lower their liability, they will raise your premium rate or even cancel your policy if they see you as a high risk as compared to safe drivers. Some states, such as North Carolina, set up the insurers’ point system via state regulators. 

There are several violations that can go on your car insurance record in North Carolina, such as: 

  • At-fault accidents: If you cause an accident and are found to be at fault, your insurance company will likely increase your premiums. The severity of the accident and the amount of damage and injuries can also affect your rates.
  • Traffic violations: Certain traffic violations, such as speeding, running a red light or stop sign, and reckless driving, may also increase your insurance rates. Repeat offenses can have a greater impact on your rates.
  • DUI or DWI convictions: Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious offense that can result in a significant increase in your insurance rates or even cancellation of your policy. If you are facing DWI or DUI charges, contact an experienced DWI attorney as soon as possible. 
  • License suspensions: If your license is suspended for any reason, your insurance company may consider you a higher risk and increase your rates accordingly.
  • Insurance claims: Filing a claim for an accident or other covered incident may result in an increase in your insurance rates, even if you were not at fault.
  • Poor credit history: In some states, including North Carolina, your credit score can be a factor in determining your insurance rates. A poor credit score may result in higher rates.

Each insurance company may have different policies and criteria for determining rates based on these factors, and some may have more lenient or strict policies than others. 

How Do Car Insurance Point Systems Work?

Insurance point systems are used by insurance companies to determine an individual's level of risk and potential insurance rates based on their driving record. These point systems assign a certain number of points to specific traffic violations or accidents, and the more points you have, the higher your insurance rates are likely to be.

What is Risk Level for Car Insurance Coverage? 

In the context of car insurance, the term “risk” refers to the likelihood of an event occurring that would trigger the payment of a claim by the insurance company. Insurance companies use risk assessment to determine the likelihood and potential severity of future claims and set premiums for insured drivers accordingly. The higher the risk, the higher the premium is likely to be.

What are Traffic Violation Points in North Carolina? 

As stated above, in North Carolina the point system is set by state regulators so it is the same across all the insurance companies. The state insurance commissioner sets the maximum auto insurance premium for all auto insurers after the companies collectively propose a rate increase or decrease.

The number of points assigned for traffic violations in North Carolina is typically one point per violation, although some violations may result in two or more points. The number of points assigned for accidents can vary based on the cost of the damages, and the number of points assigned for each violation or accident can affect an individual's insurance rates for up to three years.

Here are some examples of how many points can be assigned for traffic violations in North Carolina:

  • Speeding (10 mph or less over limit) - 1 point
  • Speeding (11-15 mph over limit) - 2 points
  • Speeding (16-25 mph over limit) - 3 points
  • Speeding (more than 25 mph over limit) -  4 points
  • Running a stop sign or red light - 1 point
  • Failure to yield - 1 point
  • Driving without a license - 2 points
  • Reckless driving - 4 points
  • DUI or DWI conviction (.08 BAC or more) - 12 points
  • Manslaughter or Negligent Homicide - 12 points
  • Pre-arranged Highway Racing - 12 points
  • Hit and Run (injury/death) - 12 points
  • Transporting Illegal Liquor for Sale - 12 points

The points decrease by 2 as the offenses become less severe, with Non-Moving Violations at 0 points. 

How Do Premium Increases Relate to Points?

There is a percentage that is used in determining a rate increase, based on the number of insurance points assigned to the violation. If you have only one point, your premium rate increases by 25%.

Insurance Points AssessedPercentage of Rate Increase

How Long Does a Speeding Ticket Stay on Your Record for Insurance?

After a car insurance rate increase, how does a speeding ticket continue to affect your driving record? How long will it take to get those points off your car insurance?

In North Carolina, points stay on your record for three years. If you don’t get any more tickets during that time, your points should go away.

You can take a North Carolina defensive driving course to reduce points on your driving record faster, and potentially lower your insurance rate. This will prove helpful if you have had an increase from a violation or multiple violations. Of course, the best thing you can do to avoid North Carolina traffic tickets is to be a safe, responsible driver.

Final Word: How Long Does a Speeding Ticket Stay on Your Record?

So, how long does a speeding ticket impact your record and premiums: just one can affect you for up to three years! That's why it's so important to have experienced legal representation if you choose to go to court.

Our team of Moore County attorneys at Van Camp, Meacham & Newman, PLLC is experienced in representing many cases for clients who have points on their insurance related to speeding tickets and other traffic violations. We’ve represented many clients and have a proven record of success in fighting increased insurance premiums. 

Van Camp Law Firm’s speeding ticket attorneys can work with you to find ways you can reduce insurance rates post-violation or conviction. Call us at  910-295-2525 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free 30-minute consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today. 

Disclaimer: The information seen on this website, including the article above, is not legal advice or legal counsel. If you wish to speak to a criminal defense lawyer or traffic violation lawyer, contact our North Carolina attorneys directly using our online form or by calling  910-295-2525. While our law firm is located in North Carolina, our attorneys have tried cases and work with clients across the country, from RaleighFayettevillePinehurst, and Sanford, to Virginia, Illinois, Oregon, and California to Florida. Call our experienced attorneys today.

Van Camp Law Firm in Pinehurst, North Carolina

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